Jumat, 29 November 2013

"So, Too , Either,Neither"

So, Too , Either,Neither

You can use So and Too to say that a positive sentence is also true for you or other persons .
Tina going to Brazil in the summer
Riko going to Brazil in the summer
*Tina Going to brazil in the summer and Riko going too

Justin Bieber is a singer
Rihana is a singer
*Justin Bieber is a singer and so does Rihana

You can use Either and Neither to say that a negative sentence is also true for you or other persons.
Tina is not going to Brazil in the summer
Riko is not going to Brazil in the summer
*Tina is not going to brazil in the summer and Riko is not either

Justin Bieber is not a singer
Rihana is not a singer

*Justin Bieber is not a singer and neither is Rihana

Problem :
I don't have problem with this material



           A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphicelements, although a poster may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-catching and informative.Posters may be used for many purposes. You can find poster in the school, bus stop, mall and street.

Example about poster 

Problem :
I don't have problem with this material.



Moreover, Furthermore, In Addition, Therefore and Consequently

         Transitions words are certain words, expressions, or other devices that give text or speech greater cohesion by making it more explicit, or signaling, how ideas are meant by the writer or speaker to relate to one another. These are words and phrases that serve as bridges from one idea to the next, one sentence to the next, or one paragraph to the next

At the beginning of a clause and thus create a compound sentence, as in.

Example :
  • However, it would seem that my son will win all the prizes
  • He told me, however, that he would share his prize with me
  • Chris could keep all the prizes for himself, of course.        
  •  It is raining hard. Furthermore, Ryan’s house is a long way from school.
  •  The test was difficult. In addition, the time was also limited.
  • Marry can read Spanish. However, she can’t speak it.

Problem :

When we can use furthermore and in addition?

Transition can be placed? What the example?

Kamis, 28 November 2013

"Short Report and Memos"

Short Report

Short report is a text in spoken form. Short report giving information about something and if you delivering a short report you should give information based on the scientific research.

Example of Shor report :
The Lion

Hello friends, thank you for the time given to me. Here I want to tell you about the king of the jungle. Do you know the Lion? Well, I think you have seen a Lion in the television or in the zoo. Well guys, Lion is a carnivore, and it is a wild animal. You can find a Lion in the African jungle, you also can find it in the savannah and forest.
            A Lion looks like a cat but it is bigger than a cat. The male Lion has mane, it is bigger than the female. Friends? Do you know that Lion is a great hunter? They can run very fast like a horse. They have strong and sharp claws to catch their prey. Its fangs are very strong. Emmm. . . Lion likes to eat zebra, buffaloes, or deer. And guys, you must know that Lion is a good listener because it can hear voice from until 100 until 150 meters.

            Well friends, I think that’s all about the king of the jungle. And it’s time for me to leave. I hope this short report will be useful for you. Ok guys, thank you for your attention. See you bye, , bye. .

Memo is the short text about something for someone. You can use memo when you want to tell someone to doing something.

Example about memo :

Jakarta, Indonesia

Official memo

To: All Employees
From: Muhammad Lutfi, Manager
Date: June 21st, 2013
Subject: Farewell Ceremony

It is used to tell you all that the farewell ceremony in honor of Aldi Dafian, Assistant Manager, will be held at 07:00 PM on June 25, 2013. All people in this company are required to attend the ceremony.

Problem :
  • What is the difference of Short Report and Spoken text?

"Noun Clause"

Noun Clause

Noun clause is a dependent clause that functions as a noun (that is, as a subject,object, or complement) within a sentence

Noun clause which begin whith that

Noun Clause as a subject :
Tangkuban Perahu is mountain
It is a legend

That Tangkuban Perahu is mountain is a legend

Noun Clause as an object :
Yusi is rude

I think Yusi is rude

Noun Clause which begin whith whether or if 

Noun Clause as an object:
Do you remember Anggi is your Ex-Girlfriend?

I don't remember if Anggi is my Ex-Girlfriend

Noun Clause as a subject :
The beautiful girl is my girlfriend

Whether the beautiful girl is my girlfriend

Noun Clause which begin with a question word

Noun Clause as an Object :
Where doggy go?

Please tell me where doggy go

Noun Clause as a Subject :
What he will does tonight is not important.

  • When we can use noun clause begin with a question word as a subject?

"Adjective Clause"

Adjective Clause 

Adjective clause is modify nouns and pronouns, giving a description or more information. The clause start with pronoun like as who, whom, that or which. 

Formula of adjective clause 
  • Verb+-ing (function to modify a noun that affects someone or something else)
  • Verb+-ed ( function to modify a noun that affected by someone or something else)

The examples of adjective clause

The Hall is old
My grandparents were married there

The hall which my grandparents were married is old.

The girl is running
She is my bestfriend

The girl who is running is my bestfriend

Justin Bieber is a singer
Clarla loves him

Justin Bieber, whom charla loves is a singer

  • What is the difference between whose and whom?
  • When we can use whose, which and that?

Rabu, 27 November 2013

"Statisfaction and Disstatisfaction"

Expressing Statisfaction and Disstatisfaction

Expressing of Statisfaction is the expression when you feel statisfied with something that has been done by someone or your self.

The example of statisfaction:
  • I really like your work !
  • It was okay !
  • That's not too bad !

Expression of Disstatisfaction is the expressing when you are not statisfied with something that has been done by someone or your self

The example of disstatisfaction :
  • I't is'nt very nice!
  • It's really not good enough!
  • Oh no ! It was bad !

Expressing of Disstatisfaction

Expressing of Statisfaction

"Expressing of Pleasure"

Expressing of Pleasure

This is  a short definition about expressing of pleasure. Expressing of pleasure is the expression to showing one's feeling of Happy or Enjoy or Glad.

The examples of Pleasure :
  • Great !
  • This is fantastic !
  • I love this song/book/etc.... !
  • I enjoyed it !
  • I'am delighted !

expressing of pleasure

"Expressing of Relief"

Expressing of Relief

Do you know about definition expressing of relief? Expressing of relief is the expression when we have a problem and we can solve it or when you worry about something and when you feel relief.

The examples of relief :
  • That's relief !
  • I'm glad everything is runing well !
  • I feel so relief !
  • Thank heavens !
  • Thank goodness!
expressing of relief

"Expressing Pain"

Expressing of Pain

Before we go to the examples , let's go to definition about expressing of pain. Expressing pain is the expression when you get hurt, when you feel pain on your part of body and when you get an accident.

Examples of Pain :
  • Ouch! it's killing me!
  • It hurt me so much !
  • Ahhh! I'm getting headaches !
  • Ouch ! my leg is broke, it's hurt!
  • I wanna die because of sickness

Expressing of pain