Kamis, 28 November 2013

"Short Report and Memos"

Short Report

Short report is a text in spoken form. Short report giving information about something and if you delivering a short report you should give information based on the scientific research.

Example of Shor report :
The Lion

Hello friends, thank you for the time given to me. Here I want to tell you about the king of the jungle. Do you know the Lion? Well, I think you have seen a Lion in the television or in the zoo. Well guys, Lion is a carnivore, and it is a wild animal. You can find a Lion in the African jungle, you also can find it in the savannah and forest.
            A Lion looks like a cat but it is bigger than a cat. The male Lion has mane, it is bigger than the female. Friends? Do you know that Lion is a great hunter? They can run very fast like a horse. They have strong and sharp claws to catch their prey. Its fangs are very strong. Emmm. . . Lion likes to eat zebra, buffaloes, or deer. And guys, you must know that Lion is a good listener because it can hear voice from until 100 until 150 meters.

            Well friends, I think that’s all about the king of the jungle. And it’s time for me to leave. I hope this short report will be useful for you. Ok guys, thank you for your attention. See you bye, , bye. .

Memo is the short text about something for someone. You can use memo when you want to tell someone to doing something.

Example about memo :

Jakarta, Indonesia

Official memo

To: All Employees
From: Muhammad Lutfi, Manager
Date: June 21st, 2013
Subject: Farewell Ceremony

It is used to tell you all that the farewell ceremony in honor of Aldi Dafian, Assistant Manager, will be held at 07:00 PM on June 25, 2013. All people in this company are required to attend the ceremony.

Problem :
  • What is the difference of Short Report and Spoken text?

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